Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Gorta go read the first chloe wind interactions

That isn’t how chloe treats a scummates on thread opening

im not openwolfing


I’ll have to take a look at it

He… Isn’t? And I have no idea how you’d get that inclination?

anyway my feelings are hurt at these double standards

Every time I recall you “joke” about being a wolf you have been a wolf…

where have i done that

where did he openwolf?

Voted Voters Number of Votes
ATNoName Sulit, Zone 2/8
Derps Chloe, Marshal 2/8
Marl Derps, Conroy 2/8
Katze Marl, Arete 2/8
Eli Mist 1/8
Not Voting Gorta, Nightingale, Jane, Eli, ATNoName, Katze 6

@ me for new votes and mistakes or u get no more votecounts

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I’m pretty sure there are mistakes on this but I don’t actually know for sure


Katze said you did and I said why it’s concerning if true, but I have yet to ISO you

what the fuck

Sulit still not doing much of anything makes me think she’s a wolf, like she’s just coasting for the most part

this isnt me saying conroy openwolfed what

this is me saying conroy disrupted me from doing stupid things :joy_cat:

I can read.jpg

@Chloe can you ignore the noisy slots and look at AtN/YBW/App for me

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Marshal too

Based on first glance that slot will be my vote today

AT that i