Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

honestly I’d rather flip marshal before derp

Does he -or any of his predecessors- look towny to you?
If not, then why do you not want his slot to die?

@DatBird vc?

Mfw when you learn you’re playing Pokémon and not fourm mafia

i would say stuff about feeling not up for this eod but thats appearantly the norm now so weh

I don’t know what you expected with me here

i have mech info that is >rand V for marshal


its not mech i just think they’re town

/vote Marshal

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Fuck it
If I’m wrong I’ll fall on the sword so chloe doesn’t have to

/Vote Marshal

ok it’s now Derps or Marshal

Oh jesus christ

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Oh, no. This is fine. I am just wondering the reason behind it.

Mrrr /vote At @DatBird

me looking at all the nice wagons

marshal isnt in the fridge stop voting her :triumph:

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if you guys kill marshal and she flips v im hijacking the entire gamestate until eli (and probably derps) are dead

  1. I DID unvote as per your own advice. I just wasn’t able to catch up on 6300 posts because unlike yall I haven’t really had days to do it and been able to catch up casually. I’ve had hours.
  2. I do make gutreads and multiple players can attest to it. I think such basic reasoning as you stated is kinda common sense when someone states a gutread. I’m not scumreading them for thinking their tone is towny for example.
  3. Agree to disagree.

I think marshal’s wagon is the most pure
If I’m wrong I’ll hopefully die with her so she can yell at me

Stop voting marshal

Figure her out tomorrow
