Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

marshal whyu is that the first thing you do today aaaaaa

is it time limited or some shit

i wanted to game with you today why
theres 48 goddamn hours

wh :flushed: at if
marshal was villagery
:point_right: :point_left:

this is probably not even true given arctics passive



Wasnā€™t Marshal literally greenchecked

Why did she suicide bomb

i hate this game

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Marshal Arete, ZoneQ11 2/7
Not Voting Marshal, Nightingale, Chloe, SirDerpsALot, Mistyx, katze, Jane, an_gorta_pratai, Marluxion, Sulit
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(its pretty obviously fake but im gonna pretend its not)

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this + the followup is my legacy if the claim is real

thats not a bomb announcement

am i an idiot

I donā€™t think Derpsā€™ claim is real.

I also think there is at least 1 wolf in Arete/Marshal


Are any of you darkvoters

you PSYCHED US OUT :rage: :rage: :rage:

~~alternatively I can choose to interpret Luna posting a VC as confirmation that it isnā€™t

I saw her typing and was scared~~

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Yes. Next question?



i love you marshal


too bad the fact their reaction was Kind Of Villagery doesnt matter because they did the same shit in evo mafia :joy_cat:



im not a normal one though but i dont want to expand on that fully

my darkvote ended on derps yesterday

(the action on zone was real. My other action is a gladiator. Iā€™m not using itā€¦ probably)