Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

/vote marshal

So Chloe, Marl, Derps, Mist, zone, arete, jane is just ultra v/v/v/v/v/v/v/v/v/v/v it seems?

Sulit how can I ever be wolf after this EoD lol

idk why wolves kill atn unless they wanted sheep gonezo

ok here was my thought process at eod - tho some is a little foggy bc things went quickly:

marshal wagon is picking up steam
i dont think marshal should die today because of a randomass last second gutread and how fast this is picking up traction
and shes also guilt tripping me and i feel bad and idk what to do and akhwjdawd
i dont want both atn and derps to be wagoned bc im p sure theyre the same alignment and if theyre both villagers then thats terrible for us
mist seems confident on eli, and i dont see why eli cant be a wolf - even if eli is a villager iā€™d much rather v!eli die over v!marshal
fuck it lets try to push for eli main wagon and derps CW so derps dies to arcticā€™s shot
well fuck

for a second i thought you were going to give me a breather

I tried to push everyone besides the people who havenā€™t flipped village or are me :slight_smile:

You constantly saying youre obv village is not towny despite apparently convincing half the game :joy_cat:

if marshal is a wolf im lack claire for that eod guilt trip and anyone who says otherwise is incredibly cringe

if anyone is a wolf im lack claire for some reason ill probably make up upon their flip

Like idfk what else I can do

ZERO of the people iā€™ve pushed are resolved, yet iā€™m being told my pushes are only on villa. G.T.F.O.

I went into my full fury form to get myself off the stand while defending eli and not pushing ATNN

I very very likely just saved chloe.

I got instantly flashwagoned when it should be clear the last thing Iā€™m ever trying to do is get bussed, and my team would know that VERY clearly. So who tf voted me?

Chloe is probably town

Marl I think is super townie although Mist claimed mech there

Derps is very spewed, ATNo flipping V makes him even more spewed

Mist is >rand V but admittedly I could see her ever being a wolf

Zone is villagery

Arete is a villager

Jane is >rand V, I have them about where I have Mist at this point


Youā€™re already lock clear.

Youā€™re pre flipping and you know for a fact itā€™s bad

Someone give me any reason not to gladiate arete right now.


fwiw I do sooooorta think that Marshal has been TMIing you V

Why tf does arete think I try to bomb the hell out of them instead of anyone not in PoE? Huh?? Huh?? That never crossed their mind.

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Marshal wolf



Brah idfk what to say anymore, Iā€™m going to talk to people in my towncore and wait for the people not there to stop mindlessly tunneling me