Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

So i’m going to explain it all

no i mean in the sense that half this game scumreads you and likely wont care about you defending marshal

anyone scumreading me is wrong and their opinions are all invalidated as a result of it

so town is self-destructing
wolves are chillin in scumchat eating popcorn and making memes about how much we suck

why are wolves sitting back rather than doing what they did to marl in shortnight 2 and pushing people to continue the tunnel and make thread focus entirely on a single villager
because imo thats the more likely of the two image

is marshal is a villager this entire thread-wide focus cant be entirely town-motivated

no way jose

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Marshal Arete, Zone, Sulit 3/7
Derps Nightingale 1/7
Arete Jane 1/7
Not Voting Mist, katze, Marl, Derps, PKR, Gorta, Chloe, Marshal 8

@ me for Mistakes or New Votes or u wont get them trust me

I already cased them yesterday.

Sheep me for free joycred and pelt.

a minority of people are attempting to form and work with cores and instead people are actively wolfhunting and tunneling in on people
people try to organize and make this a game of PoE but for some reason everything always turns into a pelt finding session
which imo points to wolves having some control of the thread narrative

i want everyone to quote this and/or ping me with their top townreads and a short (or long, idc. as long as it exists) explanation as to why for each

i want a mindset change

ill bbl

nightingale for meta, the way she handled the role claim, the way she’s approached thread, etc

jane for the way they handled their push on windward, i think it’s hard clearing

zone because idr i just locked it in at some point yesterday and im not sure why, i can check again

why the hell would they factional ATN of all people though


are u a wolf

i do maintain that i heavily believe one of marshal/derps to be a wolf and atn flipped town and i think atn/derps are the same alignment and aaaa?

marshal dont open!

i want to vote marshal but i dont want today to be marshalmarshalmarshal


time to spend hour on wolf case instead of studying for ap test like responsible student

its ok im actually a night three alignment cop i will cop arete as lost wolf :flushed:

read any of my posts

i did

i think your EoD progression was really bad

yeah no shit the wagons were moving at lightspeed
i planned to kill marshal but got cold feet

in the context of these posts the last one doesn’t make sense