Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

what no im like
pretty damn near lock on you being a villager lol

arete isnā€™t mist isnā€™t and if night is a villager night also isnā€™t

itā€™s not that I have specific qualms but like

Iā€™ve been hard-shielding you since day 1 and Iā€™m still alive (and so are you)

and like, the factional kill probably failed last night, unless scum killed ATNo, so that probably doesnā€™t mean that much? ā€˜thereā€™s been one nightkill and it wasnā€™t meā€™

and youā€™ve had wolf games where you managed to post villagery, and you havenā€™t personally nailed any wolves to a door

I still think youā€™re very very likely a villager, just, thereā€™s a little voice in the back of my head saying ā€˜what ifā€™

I just said you were my top townread

if marshal is a wolf
unless there is a claimed protective on someone

i think it just outs gorta as her wolfmate
unless wolves holstered which would be ???

ā€¦i missed the first question
i thought chloe was asking just who youā€™d want looked at today

im reading this and my brain isnt comprehending anything for ??? reasons

but uh
i mean i think i didnt die last night for a few potential reasons:

  1. if marshal is a villager i mighta gotten attacked and BP
  2. if marshal is a wolf im absolutely wolfsiding and im arguably an asset to the maf, and marshal would be p much outted by killing me

if marshal is a wolf idk what happened w/ the kill tho
other than potentially the gorta rb

and yeah i havent nailed any wolves (unless you wanna give me cred for finding wind in like 30 seconds which is pretty poggers!!) but it looks like iā€™ll be living to tomorrow so iā€™ve got some time image

from my pov
if PKRā€™s claim is leigitimate

he is my night kill target every single time here

something that gives me pause on pkr though

conroyā€™s claim against kat was p villabro imo

i also think conroyā€™s annoyance at people saying he has a ā€˜godreadā€™ on sulit and him explaining that he only fakes that when hes a wolf
was also villagery

okay yeah i looked at his last few posts and i agree

i was misremembering it and i was thinking if kat is v it looked kinda bad in context

inb4 wolves are like


and weā€™re all imploding

for the aretes in the house - no, i dont think this is the case

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i know its early to say this but i will likely be voting off of the main wagon come EoD because of Fancy Darkvote Shitā„¢


I want to talk about something but I donā€™t know what to talk about

does anyone have anything they want to talk about

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do you wanna talk about uhm
gorta? hows your read there?

heā€™s like

above rand to be village discounting mech

anyone who has him as ā€˜lock village forever towniest player in the gameā€™ is either underestimating his wolf game significantly or a wolf, like, Iā€™m not going to say heā€™s the greatest wolf ever but he does sometimes manage to produce posts that marginally resemble content and he shouldnā€™t be lockclear for producing posts that marginally resemble content (I do think heā€™s done some townie things besides that, but if like any of the mods-Marshal-and-sulit cluster is a wolf they could probably say ā€˜hey Gorta, call people scum for townreading you too quickly, youā€™ll get a ton of villagepointsā€™)

the mech is admittedly a bad look for him but Iā€™m not sure how bad, like I donā€™t want to assume it condemns him for certain when we donā€™t even know if thereā€™s a hidden protective or something but I do think it makes him some amount more likely to be a wolf

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ok im too tired to hold convo sorry
keep trying to read your post but i cant comprehend english

good night

im like 90% sure half of what im TRing gorta for is stuff that maaaaybe only marshal would also look for

which like

is probably not reassuring given your current reads

also i saw your message about claims


if i were literally anyone else iā€™d tell you to claim and i could point out my blatant softs in my 1000 post ISO its absolutely in my range to fake them so shrugze