Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Gah. I remember someone talking about this…

IIRC, yes.

mist said ATN had exactly 2 darkvotes on him when he died

so the arctic vig had to have randed into him right?

someone compile all the darkvoter claims
mine was on derps at eod

i have not been voting all game

…I am working on it, but I am pretty sure I am still missing claims.

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Green = Darkvoter claim
Red = Not Darkvoter claim
Colorless = Not claimed yet

VC says otherwise.

–anyhow @Chloe, what do we do with these compilations?

i mean on the dark votecount

i was on both wind and eli

I believe @Arete and/or @SirDerpsAlot had a talk about whether darkvotes persist even after death or not. If such was the case though, then Mist would be caught lying redhanded. On the other hand, if the darkvotes don’t persist post-mortem, then… either Marshal is lying about her being a darkvoter, or Arctic’s kill really was randed into ATNo.

…oh yeah, you’re right.
In other words, your darkvote is nowhere at the moment.

Dark Vote Count

(according to current claims)
(assuming darkvotes disappear post-mortem)
(assuming darkvotes are reset after death of target)

Accused Voters Number
Derps Chloe, Marshal 2
Marshal PKR 1
[Nowhere] Mist, Zone, gorta 3

does being roleblocked remove your darkvote from someone do you think?

either that or… gorta is lying about being a darkvoter?

how did ATN have 2 darkvotes if there were 3 darkvoters on him

im definitely overthinking this and in the long run its probably not important, but its better than not talking about anything! :joy_cat:

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I doubt it.

This is biased opinion, but I doubt this one as well.

…read this:

im ngl im incredibly confused by how the darkvoting thing works and the fact that im not a ‘normal’ darkvoter makes me more confused

by persist after death do you mean like… darkvotes on eli persisting? or do you mean darkvotes on atn persisting after he died

i doubt the darkvotes on eli persisted, which means the next highest would be vigged
but that still doesnt explain how there were only 2 on atn??

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Hold up. Wdym?

I meant (to question) the latter.

…you do realize that the darkvotes only move at EOD, and don’t move if the target is the one who’s about to die, right?

As I said before, if Eli’s darkvote disappeared after he died, then it would make sense that ATNo would have 2 darkvotes “when he died” (i.e. End of Night 2).

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there were two living darkvoters and one dead darkvoter

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okay thanks im an idiot i get what you guys mean now lmaoo

@Jane, before you townread Marshal based off the lack of any defense, did you scumread her?
@Nightingale, can I have your POE please?

Chloe, I am still asking for an answer to this question.

theres no need to expand atm
just some confusing wording in my rolecard

my darkvote ends up in the same place as anyone else’s (in terms of what it says in the OP) and thats all that matters