Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess


i want blood

Expand a little pls

Goddamnit ily

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Iā€™m basically in the same situation as sulit.
But like, I feel like their reactions have been pure around this.
And I know Iā€™m town too.

Sulitā€™s been trying to sort this.
Iā€™ve been trying to look into other things too.

Weā€™ve been doing similar things even if not for the same reasons.
I want to think this is because weā€™re the same alignment.


And also the fact that I ainā€™t letting the words ā€œmech thunderdomeā€ happen.
When Iā€™m a mech boyo and this ainā€™t a thunderdome in any sense that Iā€™ve been in or seen before.
Like, this ainā€™t a vanilla game, this ainā€™t FoL.

We donā€™t know the roles involved.
Thereā€™s things that can have V/V.

To the point that I donā€™t feel comfortable with this

Does w!sulit tunnel buddy early

ā€¦is this Ad Hominem?

I asked a question along the lines of does it matter where the dark voters vote is in regards to my feedback and it doesnā€™t

So shrugze

My votes still on pkr

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Take that philosophy and stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. If Sulit flips wolf, Iā€™ll apologise but for now, sheā€™s not.

no ad hominem would be like ā€œyou are all idiotsā€

The good thing is, that gets rid of another explanation.
So once we both flip (since I assume weā€™ll be chain lynched) town at least has less possibilities to know

Derps/sulit interaction legit feels like derps is tmiā€™ing sulit v its weird af lol

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why is it so hard to explain why you townread sulit

what was your read on sulit before the dome

I am not in a good mood. My mood dropped to rock bottom within a matter of minutes due to RL.

sulit told everyone to use their brains, implying we arenā€™t using them already.
I know this is weird coming from me, given that I have more resistance than eevee, but I am really pissed at that line right now.

A .

Body seems unclear

But I have explained it.
The way sulit has reacted to this is coming from the same perspective that I have which I know is town.
The tone sulit has had has been pure.

I felt it in ATNo. I feel it in sulit.
I have ā€œgutā€ backing up these feelings.
But sulit is bleeding villager to the point that I donā€™t want to wagon her