Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

so like

I think this almost certainly indicates that PKR is an actual roleblocker

(either that or that he’s W/W with katze, I guess?? but like otherwise I don’t think Cent would directly challenge kat’s claim in a way that screws him over if kat actually checked Derps)

but he might still be lying about being a darkvoter?

(or I guess about targeting Gorta but that again raises the question of ‘why would you risk that’)

/Vote sulit

I’m not going to throw so I’ll vote sulit.
However, I am stating I think this is town. And I am more than happy to die over this.

Once I die, please for fuck sake, as my legacy, do not vote for sulit.
I don’t care “omg CW to the thunderdome and initiated it”

No, just fucking no.
Yall have ignored v/v possibilities to the point where I have no motivation anymore.

oh my god you’re predictable

ok bye friendo

Voted Voters Number of Votes
PKR Sulit, Jane, Marshal, Zone 4/7
Sulit Gorta, Mist, Nightingale PKR 4/7
Marshal Arete, Chloe 2/7
Katze Derps 1/7
Not Voting Katze, Marl 2

Cya, just vote me please

pkr: im gunna vote sulit
also pkr: for my legacy, dont vote sulit!!!


Really? I don’t see them. More specifically, I don’t see any that properly reads me.
–no interactions either other than EOD1, which will be anti-spew on the occasion that you die and flip scum.

should we shuffle the wagons so that the darkvoters are on sulit while pkr goes over


I’m so fucking done with people

okay i was gonna call this dumb but it actually makes sense but i also have tmi ur WRONG so its DUMB

i mean thats why im parked on sulit

because of gortas role and stuff

Congratulations. You broke your own word to vote yourself over sulit in the name of self-preservation.

Oh get out of here Zone and just get back to when you hated me.
I liked that better than this

im leaving thread bye

I’m muting the thread.
Kill me.

im gay

my head feels like mush rn


…I currently don’t have any reasons to hate you though.
Your logic is Marshal-tier bad, but it doesn’t involve me, so I don’t particularly care about you.

/vote PKR @Icibalus
ive already stated my opinion on this
something something mechanical best way to resolve eod

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