Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

lizard brain says there is at least one wolf in marl/mist/wind or idk what the hell is up with this game

really solid reasoning, i know

iā€™m a bit lost as to why you think this is a big deal but ok go off


uh initial thoughts were along the lines of Windā€™s opening posts feeling stilted and awkward but that thread came down on them way harder than was deserved of their posting

and I think Wind is a really good wolf who doesnā€™t get shaded that hard by a majority of the thread if theyā€™re a wolf? idk is this a bad line of thinking. Obviously it couldā€™ve been all town pushing them, but I donā€™t really think they get jumped on like they did.

imma reread their iso and just look it over without the rest of thread and see it again

Iā€™m normal and town
Quit puttin geckos in your skull

a separated wolf howls in the distance

guys I canā€™t find the reply button I think it got lost somewhere


villagers cant read bold red text, theyā€™ll never realize i claimed miller as a sick lost wolf soft :slight_smile:

you idiot its right here image

Marl feels ok in the thread. Didnā€™t get particularly good vibes from his early presence but when he came in later (while I was catching up on the 300+ posts Iā€™d missed) his slot started improving. I canā€™t say I townread him yet, because I still feel like thereā€™s something kinda missing, but I donā€™t think Iā€™d vote him today and Iā€™d probably give him another day to prove himself as town this time.

I donā€™t think Night looks that bad in the thread, actually. I saw some people SRing her earlier, but she seemed pretty ok. I donā€™t think she was doing anything that came across as particularly wolfy activity-wise. Granted that I was taking into consideration she didnā€™t feel particularly well and any discomfort in the thread was likely a result of that than a result of her alignment. Sheā€™s at like nulltown for me at the moment.

Marshal brought up that my post in reading Mist looks like I assumed Night was town, but you have my answer now. The one thing I noted about Marshalā€™s comment, however, is that he said it looked like I was assuming Night was town, but didnā€™t question Arctic for the same thing (when Arctic said I should consider that Mist could be pocketing Night).

why does being shaded mean she is more likely to be town
sheā€™s competent as both alignments

i know this is Common Senseā„¢ but if wind ever claims self resolving you better freakin make sure she self-resolves

this goes for everyone, really
but i just got umineko flashbacks
the girl was practically openwolfing ):<


have you uh
read any of my wolf games? just curious






the funny thing is that I didnā€™t even claim self-resolving, I just had a fake mechclear : P

thereā€™s a different between like being shaded

and having no support in thread as a player known to be a strong wolf

but again I donā€™t really know if this is a good way to be thinking about it

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I has yes

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this post getting 4 likes immediately is unironically >rand V for chloe because its fucking common sense why does it have 4 likes

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because I was the 4th one to like it, duh

youā€™re just jealous katze

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Iā€™m attempting to pocket Chloe with likes so they shield me