Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I have a role that can apply negative effects to people with darkvotes
I’m sure other people have similar

I’m not disclosing whether or not I have a darkvote

what thing are you doing?

We lose nothing by focusing our “normal voters” on wagon 1 and “darkvoters” on wagon 2 even though we don’t know what darkvotes do. :expressionless:

Sigh. This feels like an open agenda to get darkvoters to claim.

Wait i see why we shouldn’t talk about this. Am doumb

thinking YBW flips villa lol

darkvoters dont claim
we just put up two wagons and hope the second one has a reasonable percentage of darkvoters

Wait YBW is in the game?
How many people are here that i missed?

ybw subbed in for app
so technically 1

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they replaced App

at least i think it was YBW

darkvoters don’t claim just really quietly go on the YBW wagon and hope no one notices

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remember when i told you that i knew this would happen


ive gone through the cycle too



we have non-darkvoters give cover

wait not the ybw wagon
the other one

It’s not about the suspects, but the act itself that I am annoyed with.

Why would I give you towncred for talking about a mechanic of which its effects are unknown to the general public? :neutral_face:

…I am sorry. Could you please rephrase that/those sentences?

Okay that explains why i missed them

i think i missed some posts and i have no clue what the hell is happening rn

dank voting


if this is too complicated for all 17 players to handle correctly without outing the darkvoters we could just not set this up
that’s probably better than us doing it and it going poorly


chloe can’t stop me from being a hypocrite

Yes, we know that. We just don’t know what they can actually do.

I fail to see why the identity of darkvoters should be made public, and I personally doubt your ability based off my gut.