Should have grabbed and shot the gun without thinking.
Magnus aims the gun at Boss. Gamer sweeps the stick towards Magnus. Boss is in peaceful Zen territory. He is hit in the back, Boss is in pain. Tremors are occuring. Gamer moves the stick towards Magnus. Magnus shoots at Boss. A bullet shoots out, piercing Boss’s hands due to the tremor. Boss is in grievous pain. Magnus is hit by the stick. Magnus is in more pain.
The ground is being swallowed. Only the Northwest remains. The tremors stop. The ground by Gamer begins to creak ominously. The ground by Magnus begins to creak ominously.
All 3 are fallen. The gun has no ammo left.
Grievous Boss (Deflated Ball)
More Pain: Magnus (Gun, Knife)
Painless: Gamer (Stick, Soccer Ball)
/roll towards Boss. I still have a knife, boss.
You know why I didn’t move at all?
No, actually. Tremors?
/Roll after Magnus and hit his other leg with stick
Stick isn’t painful a lot! A couple of bruises.
You’re laying down though.
Did someone summon me?
(All actions submitted)
(I expect this to be done within the next 12 hours)
Magnus rolls towards Boss. He is in more pain. Boss attempts to crouch. He is in grievous pain. He falls to the ground. He is in precarious pain. Gamer rolls towards Magnus. He uses the stick to hit Magnus. Magnus is in grievous pain.
Precarious Condition: Boss (Deflated Ball)
Grievous Pain: Magnus (Gun, Knife)
Painless: Gamer (Stick, Soccer Ball)
A eerie silence looms over the small remaining land. The tremors have stopped.
Damn it! /stabs Poke in the stomach, using knife blade to deflect his stick if need be.
/Roll away
/Do nothing
The more I moved the closer I am to death it seems
Boss stops moving. He is in a precarious situation. Magnus attempts to stab Gamer in the stomach. Gamer rolls away. Magnus is in grievous pain.
Precarious Condition: Boss (Deflated Ball)
Grievous Pain: Magnus (Gun, Knife)
Painless: Gamer (Stick, Soccer Ball)
The tremors have stopped.