Return of the Death Game

Boss grabs the ball. Magnus sprints towards Boss. The tremors are occuring. Magnus falls down. Magnus is in pain. Gamer relaxes at his location.

Northwest: Ball-wielding Boss, Gun
West: Fallen Knife-wielding Magnus
Southwest: Relaxed GamerPoke (Standing)

The center of the field falls downwards, showing an endless abyss.
An earthquake is occuring. Minor inconvenience to movement.

@Boss110 @Magnus @GamerPoke

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/recover from pain.

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i can do that right?

/Move closer to the middle but still near southwest

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/Stay still

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Magnus tries to stop being hurt. It fails. Boss stands still. Boss is stable. Gamer moves a little towards the Northeast. Tremors are ongoing. Gamer stumbles. Gamer barely holds his ground. Gamer is unbalanced.

Pain Meter
Pain: Gamer and Knife-Wielding Magnus
No Pain: Boss

Somewhat closer to the middle but still southwest: Gamer
West: Knife-Wielding Magnus
Northwest: Ball-wielding Boss

There is a hole in the middle. The hole has gotten a little bigger.
Tremors have stopped.

A soccer ball bounces onto the southern side of the field.
A long stick has dropped onto the northern side of the field.

Knife: Magnus
Gun: Northwest
Ball: Boss
Soccer Ball: South
Long stick: North

@GamerPoke @Boss110 @Magnus

/Run and Pick up Soccer ball in the south?

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Or just /Go to the south

Is this valid? If so then great

Boss has the soccer ball.
/runs Nortwest.

He has the ball, but not da soccer ball

Thereā€™s a long stick north.
Iā€™m gonna make a spear.

Donā€™t puncture my ball!

I would never doā€¦
What was it I canā€™t do?

Kill me pretty sure

Donā€™t worry. Boss can kill you and then Iā€™ll avenge you.

Soccer ball is secrety a pokeball

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A pokeball! Can I poke it? With my knife?

Sure. Just be not careful

What PokƩmon is inside?