Reveal shit about yourself here


@Pug for real though go join your local crew team

I play ToL and stuff

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i thought this was a reveal thread
is this now a point out obvious things thread? :thinking:

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wow great minds think alike


Self Reveal: I desire nothing more than more pictures of @MaximusPrime 's cat


hey marl, can i share your reveal with you.
we can have the same one that way

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We all desire that Marl.


Ummmm. Nice lie Mislynch Marl.
Lily is a great mind but you aren’t.

There isnt a local team.

That’s a shame

Find one :slight_smile:

Or start one

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I’m a ginger too :smiley:


Yeah I’m sure he has tens of thousands of dollars just lying around to buy even one boat

Excluding oars and a boathouse to row from

You just need some crates and some tree branches, a hole and heavy rainfall.

Nah I better be like a lugia. Wait gen 3 Pokémon legendaries are… Or I can be Groudon (gen 3 right?) or Raquiza always thought that was a sick one too. Kyoger is trash. I don’t mind being a hoho/ entei either always thought their models were sick

I am not a ginger


Ive face revealled so we all know im not a ginger


You aren’t a pug?

actually the face reveal was just my reptilian overlord that I kidnapped

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