Reveal shit about yourself here

But new shit:

Asshole child in my class pissed me off and I screamed something really offensive.

God I am fucked mentally


I don’t read like everyone else

I need time to look at time and reread them or I’ll get confused

Have you ever tried reading backwards? It’s very relaxing

It actually does

It just make the sentence funny

I think we are ALL mentally fucked up.

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no u

mirror shield

I fell into isolation like Japan did once in the TOl community hence my inactivity.

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FUN fact I like Russia alot for some reason and I prefer Britain over India as an indian.

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I am also a bit let’s say sadistic if you were there during the beta’s and saw a special post of mine. :wink:

I’ve been cheating on you guys with 2 other forums


Like how you cheated on me during whatever that game is?

I did not cheat on you, I never would love <3
My flavour was about my ex-girlfriend being imaginary.
You’re still my number 1 girl from that game at that particular time.

… We will talk later “Love”

I particularly enjoy psychology.
I use it in pretty much every game I am in.
This makes plays slightly twisted as I don’t even know what I have planned next.
The randomness making it harder to predict

Like you dying unexpectedly in game which I don’t know the name?


I probably wont talk tonight.

Im too sad rn

No, I’m not referring to said game.
I’m referring to the fact that when town, I will sometimes RNG my actions just to make scum not able to predict me.
The unpredictability makes it difficult
