Rework to butler's ninja poision

I think that right now, the butler ninja poision have 1 disadvantage, it’s allows trolls to kill the game for bd, executing 2 bd with no counterplay. Getting killed by a butler as a good king was the most anoying thing ever happened to me in this game.
In every deduction game, you need more then 1 people making a mistake to lose the game.

My suggestion:

  1. When the butler poision the king the message will be “an assasin or a butler poisioned you, you will die in 1-2 days”
  2. Rename the butler’s poision to arsenic poision.
  3. Give only physicians the ability to cure arsenic poision.
  4. Make the king unable to order exe somone while having arsenic poision.

The idea:

  1. Two people have to agree that the king is evil to kill the king.
  2. Evil king will have a counter.
  3. Alch won’t be able to cure the king (because alchs don’t care if king is evil or not)
  4. Butler’s will remain unconfirmable at day.

unless it’s a cult game


What if we revert butler poison back to two days, but the king isn’t informed of being poisoned until the second day? This does “confirm” the butler, but it stops him from being confirmed day of and gives him an extra night, should they not execute him there.

Alchs should be able to heal it because alchs are a class. Too bad the butler poisoned the king and the alch healed it.

No because then the butler poision is useless, every alch will heal the king because alch’s best strategy is to play with king

And btw, in the past alchs coudn’t heal any type of poision.

Well they are neutral they should do what they want

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Get rid of alchs then

Alchs are lame imo

However, I think Butler poison is fine. And it’s bow unusable until day 4, so you at least have some time.


I don’t like this what so ever, the ninja wine seems better, also if it’s a cult game then butler is confirmed soooo…




How exactly?

if king order kills a prince then you should probs kill him

This one is really complicated

If it’s a cult game then no

Edit: removing ninja wine is making servant/invoker unable to claim butler

I’m very disappointed that Butler poison is no longer usable until Day 4. Really? If yolo Butlers were a problem then give Butler another ability to make him funner so they aren’t suicidal. But I also think all BD killing abilities should be usable night one. It’s annoying finding someone act like a fool in prison night 1 and not being able to execute him, and not knowing whether to jail him 2 more nights because he is acting the fool or to just leave him because he really is a fool

Well it’s annoying to Get executed N1. Ordered executed by king N1.
Die from posion N1. Get coldsteeld N1.

Get wolfed N
Must I go on?

Why do you think vigs can’t shoot N1

The “Day 1 is for troll claims” meta would change to compensate IMO

I would not like to get executed D1 ty very much

Btw I hard claim reaper
Anyone else who claims it is lying

He’s lying kill him with fire

lol but srsly i think it would stop the troll claim d1 meta