Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

OMGUSes, Contradictions, Deflections, and Backtracks.

They are just openwolfing now tbh.


noob question, what is omgus

No matter what I say to defend myself, you guys will kill me anyway. No point in me defending myself if everyone is against me anyway.

Oh My God You Suck

OMGUS - Oh My God You Suck. Describes a situation when the person who is accused immediately or very quickly votes their accuser in response. Generally considered a suspicious action.

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Thanks, and I donā€™t know how you can defend yourself in this situation. Would a claim work?

ā€œOh My God U Suckā€

Voting the person who voted you for no reason/immediately after they accused. Generally considered a scummy act

I mean they can claim all they want, but unless they have a class that they can reveal, which even if they were that class, I wouldnā€™t advise doing D1, itā€™s as easy as picking a class out of a hat blindfolded in terms of whether or not theyā€™re actually telling the truth.

That being said, I would be willing to unvote if a strong enough case is made, either to suggest their innocence, or to suggest someone else as a priority.

My votes started because I voted Alice. I donā€™t trust Alice at all from a gut feeling and by the way they acted towards me. I donā€™t trust Blue because heā€™s just voting me for the sake of trusting someone else and because of my weak responses (which I can admit is correct), my backtracking is a big fault in me and yeh. I just do it because I scumread at first, but then I realise I scumread wrong and I will try and back myself up and townread them. This being said I donā€™t really know how to defend myself in this type of situation. I regret voting Alice up because I honestly had no reason to do so but my gut feeling.

So basically you lied about the main reason and stuff and you OMGUSā€™d both of your accusers.

I didnā€™t lie about my main reason, I just twisted it wronglyā€¦ and stupidly. I didnā€™t read some of the stuff Alice did earlier I just read some of the older messages from when I came back, then I just assumed.

@WazzaAzza Out of Firekitten, Solic and Blizer who do you think is more likely to be a heretic?

and to @Marluxion earlier, I havenā€™t seen any of them do many suspicious things

Twisting words is a form of lying in a way, so I wouldnā€™t really call that a good excuse
/vote Wazza L-2 should be enough for now

If anyone hammers them this early then they are confirmed scum btw.


Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy 1/9
Firekitten Solic 1/9
WazzaAzza Alice, htm, CloverPlayer, BlueStorm22, Blizer, PoisonedSquid 6/9
Sam17z Firekitten 1/9
Marluxion Captain 1/9
Margaret Sam17z 1/9
BlueSt0rm22 WazzaAzza 1/9

i still refuse to vote a newbie

Scumbud :eyes:

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Like I said before, heā€™s a newbie so heā€™s bound to make mistakes and bad decisions.

But the fact he made so many scum/evil actions would warrant some of those being mistakes, but the others he would do it just to benefit whatever faction he is in

He he WAS town there wouldnā€™t be so many ā€˜mistakesā€™

no still refuse