Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Vote or get voted

Thatā€™s how I vote right?


Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy 1/9
htm Sam17z 1/9
CloverPlayer Firekitten, WazzaAzza 2/9

You really want to ritualize a town here, so /vote htm

You just said it was a Town tell and now you want to lynch him?

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Bold your votes my fellow forumer

Itā€™s a ritual you illerate person

Wasnā€™t I town 1 second ago to you?

It isnā€™t though.

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Or is there no d1 ritual?

Honestly htm is being aggressive for info, might as well not waste a day


I donā€™t feel like we should lynch day 1, we know no classes

/unvote I just read there is no d1 ritual remember to sac Htm tommorow tbh

Samā€¦ did you not read the start of Day 1?!

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Who reads opening threads pshhh

I recommend you bold it btw

It makes it easier for the Hosts itā€™s not mandatory though

Sam while you are here what do you think of clovers reaction?

Okay, sorry htm

Pshh I got to read the OP first