Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

If u say im starting scum, that also means u doubt a dead invest

Also Alice was the instigator of the switch to Bluestorm, so bluestorm might not be the only deepwolf.

Feels like he was being coached

Alright Marcus, your making yourself look scummy as hell, and im getting convinced your either a traitor or the converted heretic here

Which one is that?

Which of the two? :thinking:

I would say traitor more likely.

Look at my first posts today. I accused Margaret. The only stopper on her sacrifice was a GREEN CHECK from a heretic

Who was dis boi



Who do you think is most likely converted?

We werent planning to sac her…

And have you heard of pocketing?

Have you heard that it’s not always an instance of TvS?

Either you or Alice

So your doubting that Max is scum here?

in hindsight bluestorm did flip flop alot lol

Pick one.

He probably is, I have no idea at this point

You know why i consider you a tratior?

You should check the OP again.

You. If scum are smart they won’t be as obvious to pick Alice.