Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

No, stop taking my words out of context

Hahahaha! We def get Squid d5



I didnā€™t say Marg was scum, you dipnut, I said it does matter if who we give the vote to in response to this

Regardless, we sacrifice HTM and he gives his vote to either Margaret or Firekitten, we vote up Alice today and Squid tomorrow. High fives all round!

So youā€™re saying that it doesnā€™t matter who gets it, so you donā€™t give a shit if scum gets the double vote

This is pointless @Htm give me the double vote and @Margaret vote htm.

This has turned into a NO U

It doesnā€™t matter if Margaret OR Firekitten gets the doublevote is what Iā€™m saying

Why didnā€™t you make that clear in the first place?

I thought it was clear, youā€™re just being semantic. Now letā€™s shut up and wait for The Queenā€™s Speech @Margaret

Says the guy that wanted a double vote despite being suspected of being the Warlock


FK is confirmed town

If you give your vote to FK, thatā€™s blatantly throwing.

But weā€™re not voting FK, weā€™re voting htm :woman_facepalming:

Marg is confirmed town too, roll a dice and give it to me, Fire or Marg

Marcus, I just realized something. By your logic, Alice saying Iā€™m scum is a form of distancing. Basically, sheā€™s doing the same with FK, so does that mean sheā€™s distancing two scum which is virtually impossible? :thinking:

no she was obv setting up a mislynch on FK

For fucks sake, youā€™re being suspected of being Warlock, there is no way you should be begging for the double vote if youā€™re Town

Marcus, please explain how an Alice/Squid team makes sense? Iā€™m absolutely isolated here and FKā€™s MyLo plan will be a guaranteed lost.