Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Again, remind me never to give advice to people on how to improve their scum games in the middle of a match.


bUt mInDs dOnT wOrK tHaT wAy

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Your death tunnel on wazza was dumb. You treated wazza as an experienced player but they were a newbie. You got to give some leg room for newbies

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I did that with Blue. Look what happened.

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Also, meme time.



Post the other video

When your mislynch costs the game you are at fault

Yeah itā€™s soooo a subconscious scum tell

Itā€™s difficult to read newbies, in truth. I think the fact that Clover only made a couple of slips and the fact that I made a couple of valid points kinda made Wazzaā€™s slips more noticeable.

But marl mislynching is a town tell

And for the record, I intentionally acted scummy d4 so people would use associative reads on me to townread FK and sac him for the instant victory. So for the people happy they scumread meā€¦


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No, itā€™s just sarun didnā€™t give the newbies room and lynched them the second they had an experienced players scum tell

Yall converted me rite



We reached the stage where Town couldnā€™t win, so the game wrapped up.


@psychoneirik what did you think of what happened what was funny

Best logs 2K18:

I wonder what private ritual votes everyone did. In essence the private vs public thing didnā€™t have any impact I think.

I switched my Sac votes alot.

We obviously all piled them on one of us, whoever we wanted to sac at that time.