Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

/kicks down door



Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy 1/9
Firekitten Sam17z, htm 2/9
PoisonedSquid Blizer, CloverPlayer 2/9
Wazza Alice 1/9
Sam17z Firekitten 1/9

Warlock gains another use of a ability that KILLS ALL THE VISITORS. As well itā€™s not OMGUS if I have a vaild reason to.

Wait, you might be onto something.

Doesnā€™t the Traitor suicide after all Heretics die?

@psychoneirik does town need to kill the traitor to win?

Okay I want to clear something up, are we allowed to ask people to claim/give out your claim on d1 or anything?

If it is then thatā€™s interesting.

Sam why do you think sacing them is a good idea?

If you are right I am mistaken otherwise I stand by with sacing the traitor is beneficial to town


but massclaim is bad.

Ok so we donā€™t HAVE to kill Traitorā€¦

Because we get rid of a scum bag who can join the scum chat during the game and then that isnā€™t good for us

Absolutely not. Warlock gains another use of a rampage for one of them. And the other he can sac a mafia to get them to convert someone else, Its literally the worse idea.

What in the actual fuck are these wagons
and wait, isnā€™t it the sacrifice phase? Or did we skip that? Or does it happen after the lynch phase?

Also there are multiple traitors you meat head

No sacrifice D1, only lynches

Read the Op you meat head (even though I made the same mistake) no rituals d1.

All of them all bad.

Traitors commit sepokue the heretics die so let the traitor be