Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Again, i see where he is coming from, cause its better to sac Congeration, then Tratiors, but hes ignoring that the Tratiors sac`s, aside from the lamb, are not the best, and the Elementalist can join the heretic chat. The push from Fk is reasonable, But his behaviour is erratic, and is off.

Again, itā€™s still pointless to sacrifice Traitors here as.

  1. Itā€™ll be difficult to tell apart LWs from the pack here aside from associative reads.
  2. Lynching them would be far better as we are not giving them an additional ability.
  3. We donā€™t even need to bother with them if we find the three heretics beforehand.

@PoisonedSquid as well you were suspecting solic earlier do you suspect him right now?

Again, as stated, i see where you are coming from, but its better to sac traitors then heretics, aside from the lamb. Thats the point of this discussion tbh.

We literally have no way of knowing if the Traitor is a Lamb, so why are you saying ā€œOh, if itā€™s not a Lamb, then we should sac the Traitor!ā€ when weā€™re in this type of situation

No it isnā€™t sams point is to sac a lost wolf because they are a lost wolf.

As well answer my question.

/vote Squid

I find her behavior with this bad situation bad, and her earlier vote and explanation on clover was not good at all.

Ultimately, how exactly would we know we pinged a Traitor? Itā€™d be far safer to easily lynch them as if our reads were only slightly off then we could end up sacrificing a Heretic here. Ideally the sacrifices should be inactive/inexperienced people we townread, not scummy players who have a chance of flipping Traitor, and even then they could be the Lamb.

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I do suspect him at this point as the logic of sacking a Traitor is very poor with the lacking of knowing what type of Traitor weā€™re going against

But you suspect sam as well? Could you ever see them on a scum team.

That only applies to the Elementalist in regards to being a full lost wolf. Tbh, you both dont have the best explanations for this. I would rather lynch a Tratior then Sac him, but its better to Sac a traitor over a Heretic.

Of course I do, the possible slip from Sam doesnā€™t even remotely raise suspicions from Solic. If Sam flips scum, then itā€™s no doubt that Solic is on his scumteam

I agree sacing a traitor is better then mafia, however thatā€™s not the point. Sam said sacing a lost wolf is better then lynching them which is why we are arguing.

Squid and fire are agreeing on mad points tbh


These are all very conditional and have many backfire scenarioā€™s. 3 uses would be refunded maximum. Only the Warlock is strong, but he already has one strongman. Additional strongmans have diminishing power returns. I would sacrifice an Elementalist anyday if we could actually detect them, which we could even:

So are you and Solic, care to explain?

Sarun and Blizer are like taking a lean to one side. Firekitten and I are taking a Heavy to one side. Solic and squid taking a moderate to one side

I donā€™t know why you are getting so defensive

This is exactly why Iā€™m starting to get suspicious of them, the fact is they are agreeing with me but now they said this.

Ngl I donā€™t like how they are dividing the place, itā€™s almost like they are drawing a line I donā€™t know how to explain it