Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Cause we have been over it?



i literally said it was a reaction test as a reaction test

Reminder: Players must vote for a ritual target on their classcards, public votes will not be counted.


i feel bad actually now.

oh yeah :man_facepalming:



Either way I still believe it’s solic.

I mean, i was sus of alice yesterday of being elementalist, but we’ll see after this lynch

If it’s solic we basically gamesolve IMO but if it’s Alice we don’t, we get a scum either way and IMO solic provides the most information plus I trust Sarun.


I still believe squid and Htm are scum aswell.

This game is weird, I sometimes dont get notifs from here

are your notifications set to watching?

Oyyy boi, /vote Alice

Reading is fun.

Claim a killing class. Convenient.

Right. /unvote

I literally listed my reasons for that several times. Why do you need a repeat and are asking the obvious? :eyes: Call it white knighting or call it common sense.

He can also be a rampaging warlock forced to visit Marl.

Excuse me, why are you spouting false information? Alice OR me is mechanically confirmed scum. /FoS Blizer