Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Why would you be so willing to answer their questions if they are confirmed scum to you, you should be convincing us,

Ping some inactive please and ask them which side they would pick

Iā€™m an Exorcist and I purified you last night, because I didnā€™t trust the aggression thrust at you. It didnā€™t feel part of RVS anymore, but it still made it likely you would be occupied.

Kill solic, hes lying.


Im Martyr and i used Pentilence on you last night :wink:

CW claim is mad scummy

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You have great one liners Squid, but you arenā€™t actually counter addressing the points I counter address from you. :eyes:

Stupid stupid stupid.

Ngl I wouldnā€™t have said anything and just kept pushing on solic tbh.

Why does this mean that I lied?

Why is that relevant?

I guess it is settled. I want to sac sarun here. And if sarun is scum solic is town. Vice versus. Blizer word against solic makes me believe sarun is town

Check what Martyr does :wink:

We arenā€™t saccing Sarun are you Crazy?

Any objections mates?

Why not?

Ehh, i can block warlock tonight, so i dont mind.

Iā€™m not an investā€¦ so whatā€¦?? I have no way of knowing this.

IMO, while I can kill Solic with my Ritual abilities Iā€™d like for tonight for all Conjurers to redirect their highest scumreads to me.