Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Well im not too worried tbh

Personally, Alice, what do you think of Marcus?

Then explain why the WL rampaged n2 when Marcus was not occupied by Clover?

Rampage occurred N1, not N2 -_-

See, the only ones I can see being the WL are you, Margaret, or HTM as there was no reason for the WL to use his occupation immunity day ability.

For the convert, Iā€™d say it was either Marg or FK as I donā€™t think the Heretics would convert a player whoā€™s already under the spotlight.

I mean Unstoppable. Basically, the WL used the occupation immunity day ability n2 as he bypassed FKā€™s heal. So for this to happened he must have been in Cloverā€™s occ pool d2.

Still outside resources such as htm or Blizer could have occupied someone else out of that list, not just the ones Clover occed with his abiltiy

but I was

Yā€™all only trusted me for that green check

Tbh, Blueā€™s green check put you completely under the radar for a while.

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Marcus could have used Unstoppable Onslaught to make the chance of him being occupied impossible and to make sure he gets another kill

Now, thereā€™s one more thing I would like to point out. Not only was htm and I occupied with Cloverā€™s Rit ability, but also Marg. Why are you leaving out the possibility of her being the Warlock?

Tinfoil:Sarun is converted and Marcus is actually warlock.

If Marcus is warlock it clears Celeste from being converted IMO, as well we know the warlock is in that group.

As well I healed Celeste last night because I donā€™t believe blue would ever put a green check on Celeste if they were their partner as well, It wouldnā€™t make sense to convert Celeste.

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Either FK or Alice

Which one do I trust more :thinking:

pick one

@Alice Marg and I were both affected by Cloverā€™s ability but why are you treating me and Marg differently?

Your argument here is somewhat off. She claims that youā€™re the WL while you claim that another player not in the pool of you/Marg/HTM is the WL here.

It doesnā€™t explain why Marcus would use Unstoppable n2 if he thought he wasnā€™t going to be occupied.

Why canā€™t Marcus be the WL?

I already asked you a question about Marcus as well. Why are you choosing to ignore it?

What made you think he thought he wasnā€™t going to get occupied?