Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

© = confirmed

Cong - Medium (Me) ©
Cong - Medium (Vul) ©
Cong - Witch Doctor (Lightsin) (most likely cong since Marcus’s warlock)
Cong - Inq (Wolfy) ©
Cong - Dead Conjurer (Capt) ©
Cong - Diviner (Solic)
Cong - Exorcist (FK) (will be © if Pug’s ability was actually disabled)
Cong - Diviner (Marg)
Warlock - Warlock (Marcus, maybe not?)
Here - Dead Seer (Marl) ©

Any more?

I was occupied.

Lol Solic, nice on making me claim

She is claiming Diviner as that is the only explanation she can think of.

Ok cool

Lol, there would be NO explanation my boi

You had to claim Diviner as that is the only one that has a “false” red check upon using Change Of Faith. You were driven into a corner.

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I don’t think that Solic’s scum unless it was deflection due to something

Which I will quote in a sec

Celestes scum and I don’t believe her claim.

Ah it was stupid of me to out earlier, I should have asked you what you did to be even more sure.

U actually thought I would use CoF on a possible occupy night, I claimed Diviner cuz im trying to lighten suspicion on my full scumlean list, not the red check

Who do you think is the scumteam?


Literally everyone Marl looks at

Ngl I don’t think anything Celeste can do that is going to convince me. Even still hanging her helps us as it eliminates suspects and we still have a lot of confirmed townies. It’s basically process of elimination

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We should sac Pug and lynch Marcus today. Depending on their flips we can probably make a gamesolving nightplan.

I can agree with that :sheep:

If you leave me roaming without occupying me, you can even lynch me, because it’ll clear one of the unconfirmeds with my check and it’ll clear whoever else is occupied, if a kill occurs.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Marl juked is out into a Marcus mislynch. We are 100% lynching Marcus today but I wouldn’t put it past Mark to do that

Basically since it’s kinda hard to quote I will explain

Solic claimed divi when Marl claimed divi. I don’t think 2 scum would claim the same thing tbh

Also the person I checked last night was… Vulgardo cuz Vulgardo be pocketing people left and right ;(

Pls catch it