Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

/Sac Sam

You killed Lightsin correct

I did

Then we hang marg if they flip town we lynch solic. I want to lynch Celeste first as they are more likely scum.

Sounds fair

Iā€™d say Marg is scum.

Solic accused 2 scum which makes me believe either he was distancing or is town.

I was wrong. Icibalus killed himself via Absolution and PoisonedSquid killed Lightsin, so both Solic and Celeste may still be scum at once.


That sounds correct


Sacrifice Voters Count
Sam17z PoisonedSquid, Firekitten, Vulgard 3

Also I donā€™t think there was any reason to actually kill light as we didnā€™t really suspect you tbh.

But at least you are confirmed?

Nearly messed up my night kill analysis because I didnā€™t read Icibalusā€™ logs close enough >_>

I wanted to see if he was scum or not

But it was obvious he wasnā€™t.

Ohā€¦ welp, Iā€™m an idiot then

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Donā€™t worry. At least you didnā€™t defend two mafia this game.


me, htm, Sarun, Wolfy, and now Squid - town
Solic/Margaret - both equally likely to be scum
FK/Luxy - ?
Sam - probably town

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Cong - Medium (Me) Ā©
Cong - Medium (Vul) Ā©
Cong - Dead Witch Doctor (Lightsin) Ā©
Cong - Inq (Wolfy) Ā©
Cong - Dead Conjurer (Capt) Ā©
Cong - Diviner (Solic)
Cong - Exorcist (FK) Ā©
Cong - Diviner (Marg)
Cong - Dead Martyr (Ici) Ā©
Cong - Blood Mage (Squid) Ā©
Here - Dead Seer (Marl) Ā©
Here - Dead Sham (Marcus) Ā©

Any other claims I have missed?

Squid is Blood Mage

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Though in all fairness itā€™s possible that Sorcerer blocked Ici and weā€™re being misled by warlock!Squid

However warlock!Squid would more than likely kill Wolfy