Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Bad sam. Vulgard and htm are confirmed.

Not really, they confirmed themselves. So if there is a possibility of 2 scum left then they could be scum team with scum confirming scum

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I highly doubt that they are both scum.

You have to dot your I’s and cross your t’s in this game. I won’t underestimate Vulgard into a loss here

@luxy I highly suggest you be calm down before you prepare another statement

I mean I could have Capt occupy someone to prove us.

Oh yeah they are proven. They been occupying a lot of people including Marcus and Celeste.

Who occupied who?

Captain occupied Celeste and Marcus while dead.

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Capt occupied Marcus and Marg.

A: You are implying that Marg visited someone, and that wasn’t the person I targetted her to, therefore, making me scum having lied about my night action, especially as you said ‘so scum found.’
B: Fine, but I’m not spreading lies.
C: I forced htm to target you.
D: Chainsaw defense is not applicable here, the official definition is someone attacking another’s accuser, not me scumreading you which I am 100% confident in.

Why did you force htm to target sam

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Because I didn’t like Sam, nor htm’s actions on Day 1 and I decided to see if something would happen.

What did you not like about them? Sam was obviously Town tbh.

But didn’t you say Sam felt like a VI D1?


But VIs are town.

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I recently read an article on power-wolfing, in which you try to control town by being influential but having shit reads and basically forcing people to follow you. I believe Sam is capable of this so I decided to see what would happen if htm targeted him.

You are completely wrong because you called him a VI and not a wolf.

Power wolfing basically looks like VI.