Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

I don’t believe it

Because apparently cheating happened?

Don’t believe his nonsense

PKR was basically confirmed scum by the time Marl died, so yeah.

We also just played quite well I think. There was a single mislynch out of all the sacrifices and lynches.

A sac isn’t a mislynch.

I mean we didn’t sacrifice any heretics.

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See i was right with one my d1 push.

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Anyway marcus outed today Luxy is mafia in dead chat.

Good job :clap:

why do we have gamethrowing mafia everywhere

Lurking gives scum lean as you can see btw

I think he didn’t read thread didn’t know we had medium

Maybe it’s because they think saying that will help their mafia friend not to die?

But tbh I kinda believe what Marl said…

@psychoneirik great setup

Is it weird that this game was quite sad to come back to and see how much of a hole the heretics were in, and that they kept on going deeper and deeper till there was no way out?

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I finally got to kill my rival for once :smiley:

(No offence, Margaret, but I always see you as my rival, not sure why)


My sacrifice worked d1 tho.I occupied nearly all of scum.


Can we get an actions list? I wonder what scum did.

they did nothing I bet.