Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins




I’m important class and can be proven. Make with that what you will but please for the love of god do not do a Hip version 2.0



why do you always do this

You’ll work out why I always do it once you’ve played enough games with me.
It can be for a variety of reasons. E.g. WIFOM for scum, telling the truth or just to promote discussion

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or alternatively to try to avoid getting lynched as scum

like in the plague game

Oh yea, your cursed by Nurgle, i forgot about that.

Why would I choose to bring up the plague game and then use the exact same tactic? :thinking:

you tell me

I’m choosing not to answer that question as it seems like a trap to make me end with a LAMIST answer.

P-Edit: Read on Marl has went to Null.
Reason: Some townie posts but that was quite a potentially scummy tactic


I have awaken from my slumber to /confirm that my class card is sent

Should or shouldn’t we sacrifice you?

Hello PoisonedScum

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You can if you want, I don’t mind either way

/sacrifice Sam17z


Why don’t you tell us if we should or not. Because that sounds like a cautious scum.