Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Well, Marg is getting clearly frustrated due to people not listening to her. However, I’m not sure if it’s due to wanting other townies to listen as town (Like you two), or, wanting to distract us as scum / due to annoyance (Like Max)

As town, you and Ici sometimes do get frustrated when people aren’t listening to you as you’re both quite level headed leaders and I can understand your motivations.

I’ve already stated that I do believe it is more likely that Margaret is Max!Scum getting salty, however, I could be mistaken

By Max!Scum, I do mean that Maximus, when scum, can easily get salty / frustrated compared to when he is town. I do not mean he is in this particular game

@Luxy I have a red check on you by day ability.What are you saying to defend yourself ?

In your opinion, who would be the best lynch for today

We should put pressure on Luxy during lynch phase. I don’t think there’s any way for them to have tampered with your ability so Luxy being pushed is best for us as they’re almost lock scum

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i think that was a bait


Actually this wasn’t true.I was baiting him to slip bcs that was lie.

I think Solic. My biggest scumread.
However, we apply pressure to Luxy first due to the day check, right Cap?

FFS, I knew it was you fool.
I wanted to play along :frowning:

I fooled me.


This was the fucking reason why im busy

There are no day abilities at start of game
But we could’ve pried info out of Luxy easily if they hadn’t read up and that would’ve been best for us

Oof but Sam ruined it too.I am not sure but i think Luxy was lurking to not answer it

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I got busy while I was reading…

Can someone gimme a summary since im lazy plz

Well, I tried to support you the best I could.
But if Luxy had read they’d have caught on and both you and Sam rescinded it much too quickly
That reaction test was good plan, poor execution


I mean this was my first time doing it.I thought people could think it is true info so i outed it.

Next time, we need to play it off together.
Shall we try the same on an inactive since they may not read up?

Ok chill. You kinda are giving scum vibes by seeming not to care as much still.

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Yeah for example lightsin.He doesn’t read much of posts apperantly.We should try it later.Play along me.OK :blush:

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Of course, I was thinking the exact same person tbh. Lmao, you read my mind good friend <3

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