Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Captain to reply to your points that you made accusing me earlier. I am not stealing time from town, when clearly PKR has all the time he needs at the most posts (plus hint, he might not be town and more information is more material to read). At that point, I had maybe 10 posts or so that weren’t long, so it was like no time at all anyways. It was mostly a curiosity thing, as reads at that point are largely unsubstantiated anyways.

Would I ever do something so bad?

Would just mean that I would 100% die n1

I mean I am not sure about it but i didn’t see town Solic would want himself to be iso’d.Which is weird for me.

How are you confident about this then ?

No town would outright soft Inquis unless they plan on outting that day

Really? All players here are huge narcissists that immediately cling to the read on themselves, whenever a read list is posted. Do not tell me you didn’t immediately look at your own read over others on my read list for instance. I was NOT on PKR’s early read list and I felt excluded. That’s all. People are reading way too much into that.

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Only scum would be that ballsy and do that so they can be essentially claiming Hunter

What’s your read on PKR and Lightsin?

I softed Inquis and was Medium.
So this is not true.

You weren’t Inquis though my boi

I softed Inquis and was medium which isn’t scum

Ok that convinced me.If you say this way i totally agree with this.

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You basically were doh for fakeclaiming and almost made town lose an essential late game

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I literally was doing a short one while I was out.
I hadn’t looked at you in general, my apologies if it hurt you tbh

Yeah that play was terrible. Let’s not rehash it.

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But he had good reason to do that tho.Hippo just went for it.

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Either way if someone tries that again, people are going to be mad

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Tbh it feels hippo didn’t read posts.

Thanks for furthering my scum read on you.