Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

I don’t deny reaction test.That is why i want to hear from Luxy.He seems to be lurked away from it.I was going to do it lightsin but pkr did before me.I don’t think lightsin seems town after that test but it can be cause he is newbie.But i would like to still hear from Luxy.He is my priority target now.

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I have to agree I want to pressure luxy to at least say something.


NAI means NOT INDICITIVE. Saying its indicitive of ANYTHING is backtracking

This is FALSE.
I was trying to say it is indicative not just as scum, but town too.
Which overall means NAI.

But problem is Luxy seems to be lurking.He doesn’t seem inactive.That is why i am pushing this.And I will not leave this.

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This looks like scum distancing from a sinking ship. Thoughts?

K cool solic cant tell if u talking about me or pkr

Both obviously, but you initiated the distancing.

I’m just going to repoint to something from earlier
Literally everyone has been pushing me.
There are 4 heretics so there are at least 3 pushing me assuming I am scum.
What’re the chances of everyone just dogpiling their teammate?

Didn’t Wolfy defend you?

Yes, the pretty much semi-confirmed townie did.
As nobody would almost hard claim what he has done now after the last game incident.

That’s actually a good point ngl

Everyone bar wolfy has been pushing me.
Even he has said he didn’t explicitly town read me earlier on.
What more I can do, I don’t know.
I purposefully included some scummy things earlier to generate discussion and it’s going to lead to my death so I’m gonna hard claim when it comes to the next phase.

By distancing, do you mean not trusting anyone (excluding lightsin) unless they get mechanically confirmed

We said we’d stop memeing, Margaret decided to bring up the PKR meme.
Vul has been swinging the PKR is scum N1 OmegaLul meme.
I’ve had enough

Replace out

Warning: In any game if there’s a meme of me at any point, I will replace out. I’ve had enough, it’s been agreed to stop and it hasn’t.
It’s not funny anymore and it’s been harming my mental thoughts as it actually upsets me

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This makes me sad.


It is on you tbh.If you knew it was agreed to stop.

I feel bad tbf…

Every game someone uses the PKR memes

Not going to deny that but, I’m pretty sure its still day one, AKA meme day