Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Since it would basically prove that there are some wolfs leading the lynch against me and based off that evidence, it would show that Solic is Heretic :woman_shrugging:

Hi FK which lynch do you prefer


I really want to lynch Margaret for my own satisfaction but I guess we can go with Marcus first

Ngl I think itā€™s fine either way. They are both basically confirmed scum. I think Celeste claimed diviner so that it wouldnā€™t look as fishy because marl also claimed that. But it didnā€™t work.

I have to agree with solic now we should lynch the confirmed scum then occupy the prob scum which is Celeste.

So we hang Marcus then occupy Celeste ez.

can we lynch Marcus for my satsifaction in outing them
because playing a good town game for once is amazing

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Weā€™re going to lynch both, the order is what matters

We lynch Marcus then Celeste.


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@psychoneirik @Twil1ight itā€™s been a day

Pug has been sacrificed. They were:

The Enchanter

Congregation Offensive
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Chaos (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, double the potential number of targets of tomorrowā€™s Ritual effects except Ritual of Leadership or Ritual of Initiation.
Mind Control (Night) - Force a player to target another. Can force them to target you, but canā€™t force them to target themselves. Unlimited uses.
Lure (Night) - Force a player to use one of their special ability on a target of your choice (Cannot force them to target themselves). Doesnā€™t work on Investigative classes. This will not consume an use of their ability and they will not be notified. (This will prevent them from using any night action they were planning to use. This ability will fail if either you or your target is occupied). 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

We couldnā€™t find a logbook

The ritual was interrupted.

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Lynch phase has started and will end in 48 hours or when majority is reached.

I am surprised.

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@pug how did you not read the thread and at the same time found htm scummy. Why couldnā€™t you just explain it.

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/Vote Marcus

I blame pug for being able to not read a thread and find someone scummy.

Someone should occupy Celeste tonight.

He canā€™t answer you. Heā€™s dead.

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ik that I was just pinging him to tell him how simple it would of been

@PoisonedSquid Why are you not scum and who do you think is scum?

/vote Marcus

Firekitten is still not confirmed by the way. Sorcerer can mess with the ritual too. Maybe it was smarter to have sacced Pug tomorrow.

Because I only have one use abilities and Iā€™m very sure Celeste and Marcus are scum. /vote Marcus