Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

He played very passively and didn’t really go after people for real. I am not getting anything from a backread.

Actually, he is somewhat confirmed to me solic with his class. I trust him more to be town rather than scum

How is he specifically confirmed to you with his class. His claim is public and any member of the heretics can be a Sorcerer disabling rituals. I am still fairly confident that Marcus and Marge will flip scum, but whoever the third one is, is still a mystery and tunneling on only a small subset might cost us the game.

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I claimed to him at night.

I mean, I have my town leans too, but I am just saying that noone is confirmed except you, Htm and Vulgard.

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That doesn’t clear you at all either. You can orchestrate it in scumchat while simultaneously making plans with Wolfy. I will say it is unlikely since many were occupied and among them possibly a Sorcerer, but I just want to say to keep it in mind. I don’t like how people say it confirms them.

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We only need 2 more votes. We aren’t actually going to progress any further until this man dies so can we hurry up and lynch them?

@Wolfy vote Marcus. I don’t think we have anything left to discuss.


pro tip: any remaining investigatives should always check Solic here.

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Are you trying to limit me to not using Change of Faith…?

like Solic is far from confirmed and Pug’s flip makes him being scum a MUCH larger possbiliy
it would explain his ultra-wolfy D1. Peek this man lol.

Actually that would be worth it possibly.

No, I’m trying to stop you from attempting to somehow attempt to deepwolf

It would confirm another Diviner/Oracle and I can clear 3 people possibly, but maybe it’s not worth it to WIFOM it. :wink:

Yeah I’m going to make it far if I’m a Diviner and I find zero scum for sure…

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Also triple scum claiming Diviner. Best tactics.

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But you’re right, I’m also completely unconfirmed.

Don’t build a case against urself. Thats pretty useless tbh.

Just saying that his suspicion is justified, so I should not be a bitch about it. :smiley:

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I’m not going to bother building up a case against you; since our plan is that you immediately get peeked tonight after lynching Marcus

speaking of which

/vote Marcus

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