Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

/Sac Htm

Htm is basically confirmed from vulgard so he’s a pretty safe sac Imo.

Isn’t a blood mage sac a good thing rn? We could get Squid to kill Marg and then we can get Solic if needed

/sac Squid

You need me with communication with the dead tho

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That’s actually a fair point

/Sac Squid

Is squid now a 100% confirmed? Let me think about this for a bit.

Absolution basically stops the warlock from killing I think but I purified you so you would of been able to kill anyways. They are 100 percent confirmed.


Sacrifice Voters Count
Sam17z PoisonedSquid, Vulgard 2
PoisonedSquid Firekitten, htm, Solic 3

/sac Squid Squid kill Marge for us?


@PoisonedSquid once you get sac’d kill Marg

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That leaves Luxy and Sam and me, for remaining scumspects.

@Sam17z / @Luxy claims?

Honestly, I think it’s Luxy. That readlist was awful.

Well, I guess we have the whole 24 hours to gamesolve this.

@psychoneirik If any member of the congregation targets the Inquisitor, do they get the same prevented message as invests do? Or just invests get it?

/sacrifice Squid

This post I mean guys.

Honestly I wouldn’t be against marl trying to distance away from luxy.

Wait that was a different quote

It’s this one I swear.

Okay so it could be that marl was trying to tell luxy that it doesn’t mean anything almost like he wanted him to stop pushing the person they were pushing.

Heretics have a day chat too though, but I am pretty sure it’s Luxy. I don’t think it matters, because with these numbers we can lynch/occ all 3 of us.