Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Could we reset the votes and make it majority sacrifice voting?

Waiting now seems pointless.

@psychoneirik Is that something you would consider or not? There is a clear consensus on the sacrifice vote and if you reset the votes it’s also not unfair.

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The point of plurality votes was to give people plenty of time to discuss. But if majority agrees I can make ritual phase end early.

majority pls

/vote fast sac Squid in that case.

Sorry i havent posted today guys. I’ve been out and kinda busy. So I’ll just say what happened quickly as it’s late and made a vote.

I made Vul into a Cleric as he was town read. They posed me the question if i thought they, Sarun or ici had a chance of being part of the Heretics. I said no as Ici was kind of leading the town alongside Vul. Sarun seemed slightly off with his posts, for me, but he has brought good cases forwards which makes me think more than likely town. I even said to Vul, scum!Vul would post less detail in his reads list, so without doubt, he is town. I wish you a good night now, and leave this as my vote

/vote squid for sacrifice

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You totally could have helped me decide who to check. :confused: I agree with what you said though.

Im prob gonna seance Capt again.

Unless you want me to seance someone else

Should I seance Capt?

It doesn’t really matter, since I assume they can talk amongst each other.

You should stay unbounded though, so that we maintain the connection with any dead.

Oh yeah true.

Ok I am Enchanter. Last night I forced Marg to target Solic, nothing happened as far as I can tell so idk.

/vote Squid

A third enchanter?

I know it could be a thing but it just kinda seems kind of rare

You know. When people control others into someone when we know that person is getting occupied.

Why did you control marg? You should of known she was getting occupied

I was away yesterday so, I didn’t see.

Who is third enchanter?

Capt, Pug, and now you

Both Pug and Capt are confirmed since their ded

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Wasn’t Capt conjurer?