Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Says the guy that just got pocketed.

I really believe Sam is Town, but the way he is arguing makes me think that he might not be that useful to be honest at the moment. If more people voted which then gets a claim to determine whether I was right, then so be it, and even though it might put me in jepordy in terms of trust, youā€™re justā€¦


Atleast Start from 100, atleast 1/4 of the posts are meme`s, so like in reality 250-300 posts total.

Ughhh fineeee

Why do you think pkr is town here?

Analyzing his post again it seems that his aggressiveness has basically faded away and he seems to be more concerned with his own image, especially with his ā€œISO meā€ post.

Essentially a motivation shift from scumhunting to self-survival. Not exactly a good look here.



Reading is fun! Iā€™m not rreading him at the moment. Iā€™m only focusing on Ici right now!

Exactly what i questioned earlier. Reason of why i am Sus of him aswell.

Then can you focus on pkr?

I honestly do not know what to say anymore
If anyone gives me an ISO to interpret, Iā€™ll do it


Yeah but you are saying my argurement is not valid. And I am saying pkr is basically scum. Soā€¦ you are defending him

If you are null about pkr then my Arguement shouldnā€™t be invalid?

i am not defending him! Iā€™m not saying youā€™re arguement is not valid! Iā€™m just saying that youā€™re the village idiot, and that wonā€™t change for a good while

Says the guy who got pocketed

You were townread by most people, then Hippo pulled a turbo-VI move on you. Here itā€™s completely different.



My godā€¦ Iā€™m gonna die due to an angina attack before being sacrificed/lynched,night killed at this rate

@Wolfy @Sam17z both of you ISO each other for me and then reevaluate the argument youā€™re having.

May I ask, how so Sarun? I havenā€™t asked for anyone to ISO me, actually, I asked if thereā€™s an ISO for me to look at and interpret. Just want to ask why youā€™re interpreting it this way

Then can you read through his post?

Like stop focusing on ici focus on the people who can be scum.

So why are you discrediting my Arguement if you havenā€™t read pkrā€™s posts and havenā€™t read him? It makes logically no sense. I am preassuring pkr. Wolfy is saying donā€™t preassure pkr because your Arguement is invalid. So you are defending him. Then saying oh I am not defending him I didnā€™t read him yet,

Anyways how is my Arguement invalid if you didnā€™t read about pkr and what he says because ā€œI am focusing on Iciā€