Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins


Sacrifice Voters Count
PoisonedSquid Captain, PoisonedSquid 2
Icibalus Marluxion 1
Luxy Solic 1
Sarun Sam17z 1
Sam17z Wolfy, Ici, Sarun, Vulgard 4

Oh wow only my name was shortened
I feel special

When did this change?

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PKR Readslist

  1. Blizer - (Null, lean Town) - Bli has had some decent posts, especially the one about Wolfy, Marl and myself but has also done a fair bit of fluff. Once quality of posts increase, Iā€™d be happy
  2. htm - (Null, lean Scum) - Claims ā€˜Useless classā€™ which makes me think Htm is trying to set up to be sacrificed as heā€™s not a ā€œhuge loss for Townā€. Waiting for his catchup as then can see his views better.
  3. Solic - (Moderate Scum) - Flip flops and a lot of pointless questioning. The content isnā€™t very high and I cannot see town motivation. Seems like heā€™s trying to get by without getting in trouble
  4. Firekitten - (Moderate Town) - Pushing for people to read more than 1 person and try and make team ideas, which is important at this stage.
  5. Marluxion - (Null, lean Scum) - Marl is relying far too hard on a Townbloc which he was less reliant on last game. Furthermore, he made it much later into the day, so this one is more rushed. Also, Marl has changed his vote a lot which concerns me. This is flip flopping.
  6. Sam17z - (Either Open-Wolfing or VI) - LAMIST and not providing with ā€œGame where I did it as Townā€. Either heā€™s just arguing pointlessly with me and Wolf or thereā€™s motivation which heā€™s hiding well. Hard to tell
  7. PoisonedSquid - (Null) - Hasnā€™t said anything I can consider to be AI, so I wouldnā€™t even consider sacrificing them right now.
  8. Margaret - (Null, lean Scum) - In the catch up post didnā€™t pick up on many bits which Iā€™ve purposefully left in my ISO to be commented on, very basic and almost like theyā€™re being picky/choosy to what suits best.
  9. Captain - (Null, lean Town) - Has had some fine posts, pointing out how Iā€™ve been scummy with my buddying up to wolf and has picked up on what I wanted them to.
  10. Lightsin - (Null) - Need more posts to get a read
  11. Luxy - (Null) - Not many posts, their initial ones are a tiny bit scummy but by far less in comparison to wolf from last game. I need more content before reevaluating my read
  12. Icibalus - (Moderate Town) - I can truly sense Ici is frustrated town.
  13. Sarun - (Null, lean Town) - The good thing about Sarun this game is their willingness to adapt when reads have been posted and questions have came up
  14. Vulgard - (Null, lean Scum) - My only concerns with Vul is his reads. Heā€™s far too stubborn which I didnā€™t see last game and this lack of adaptability is scummy. However, due to confidence from last game, I guess itā€™s to be expected even if itā€™s misplaced. Also, didnā€™t explain why they want to potentially sacrifice HTM which I find concerning especially because I scumread them both. Maybe simple teaming to get a convert? Lack of explanations and adaptability is a reason t suspect this all.
  15. PokemonKidRyan - (Cannot read) - Self.
  16. Wolfy - (Moderate Town) - I understood his claim early on, I can see his frustration and this is really similar to previous games.

Iā€™m guessing that Vulgard is sayinng that me v PKR is V-W (TvS) again and Iā€™m spewed town if PKR flips wolf

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and since he thinks that PKR is wolf by his logic I must be town

Iā€™m not even versing you and youā€™re even saying youā€™re having to rethink me, so I think that saying weā€™re TvS at this time is a bit apprehensive.

Iā€™m simply pointing out Vulgardā€™s logic to Firekitten.

Incidentally, can you explain further where the ā€˜frustratedā€™ part of your read on me comes from?

PKRs last two big posts have been townie but I really donā€™t like their opening and their overall actions

aaaaa yeah I need a new perspective on this. Bookmarking this post to remind me to check PKR again.

Of course I can, youā€™re getting frustrated with townies in this game. Or more so, frustrated with me.

/unvote Squid I voted him due to I mostly see he as inactive but i am not sure about that vote now cause he really wants to be sacrificed.Still risky move for sacrifice.

Your frustration is what I can see in Wolfy.
Wolfyā€™s frustration helps support my town read on him as Iā€™ve seen it before and I can imagine you getting annoyed with people who are either not trying or are making you reconsider as town due to your previous confidence

Itā€™s not actual frustration on my part but I can understand the perspective, although it could easily come from both allingments imo. (yes I know iā€™m being a bit wifom-y there but you know)
No further questions.

Iā€™d like to point to one of my earlier posts, which is that I will leave in some things for people to pick up on (As can be seen in my read of Margaret and Captain). This is why I might have some slightly scummy posts which I wonā€™t explain until much later on. Giving inactives time to react to them and test their reactions

The problem with FM is the fact that inactivity makes it hard to read people, correct? So if I can leave in bits for them to either pick up on or skip, I can then test effectively to see their motivations. I can also see if their interpretations of some of my more natural posts are accurate and, if not, try and work out why they may be misinterpreting


See this is part of what Iā€™m talking about. This post is actual LAMIST but without looking at PKR as a whole and thinking about it for about 30 mins I canā€™t actually say if it probably comes from a wolf anymore.

Iā€™m leaning towards PKR being wolf still, and there is still a fairly high chance I vote for him in voting phase if it turns out PKR is still probably a wolf overall.

you literally just invalidated your own reaction test after one post

And why it is Pkr vs Ici like last game ? I donā€™t get it tho

How so? Iā€™m pointing out that I have bits, but not what these are.
If people now purposefully look for them and say something is, when it isnā€™t, then I can try and see why theyā€™re doing it.
Itā€™s a way to generate discussion

Itā€™s not. Iā€™m not versing Ici here, in fact I sorta townread him