Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

I mean lightsin you just didn’t read even 20 posts above and hardclaimed.And accused Pkr of being scum.

There wasn’t none…

I knew better than that.

I read roles before

I’m pretty sure this was how I first started out in a fm. I got called scum. And then I did nothing just complain.

You need to try to find a scummier person then you.

Light, please. Please just stop, calm down and explain why you fail to read anything. I didn’t even make it hard for you

K fam

OW is what game? Overwatch?

insert areyousureaboutthat.jpg


I knew there was no frame abils

Meaning it’s rando/test

I thought it was a rando, cuz fk it

Usually I don’t get tested in ToL…

This is only my 3rd SFoL Gamemode.

And that’s my usual reaction to stuff

Yes or no
Keep Marl but lose info
Or lose Marl and gain info

If you were sure why you hardclaimed tho ? You should have known it was fake and should have called him out.



I got your soft claim btw.


If that’s your usual reaction then let me teach you something
Rule number 1 of any forum game is to Read.
You didn’t read even 20 posts above yours.
I know this is your 3rd, but please listen to me.

Again, I got nervous, so I went to my ToL senses, which is hardclaim.


I’m rather conflicted about this statemnet right now. Either it’s scum trying to be town credded, or you’re just being yourslef like the last round and completely daft

He just hardclaimed diviner.

Felt more like Oracle to me.

I want to keep playing
But I can be so fucking useful here

I’m thinking it’s either scum wanting to get sacrificed for a free convert or Marl’s one of the 3 roles I said last game to sacrifice.
Oracle/Diviner/Martyr iirc