Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Ok that works too

So these are my scumbuddies

Iā€™ve got to go to uni now, Iā€™ll be on in around 7-8 hours. How long is left in sac phase?

14 hours i guess

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Ritual phase ends on August 8 at 9:00 am EST

so 1 hour before the smash direct :slight_smile:

If someone disagrees with this or wants further reasoning, tell me why. Otherwise Iā€™m deathtunneling this toā€¦ death.

Also, PKR and Blizer are now Marcus and Pug respectively

What?! How come I didnā€™t know about this sooner?! tries to find the stream

Vulgard, can you can comment on Margeret?

Too scummy to be scum what he says

Margaret feels town to me based on that wall. Itā€™s bad but doesnā€™t ping me as scum-motivated actually.

And based on the rest?

Honestly these arguments are a huge pain to read. Iā€™ll get through them but I donā€™t think Iā€™m in the right state of mind right now, considering I just made PKR replace out.


Fair enough, take your time.

If we have two Blood Mages, hint hint.

I am thinking more alongside Marcus/Pug/Margeret and Marl or Squid.

But you can catch up first.

I would add a Luxy here

Canā€™t read someone with no posts. Activity is NAI. He should be prodded/questioned if this keeps up though.

sets up campfire We can always wait for him and see what he has to say

I think he posted today so he wouldnā€™t be prodded