Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

am I literally the only one who sees PKR blatantly misinterpretiing what I’m saying to get me scumread

Can we stop scumpecting PKR rn? It’s kinda a waste since hes most likely Inq


Anywho, I’d better leave before I out any more of my scum buddies accidentally.

@Margaret gets to speak for me for now.

See you bois after I get lynched.

Well Pkr claims he can reveal so that can be why he acts scummy.

Firstly, he says that I called Wolfy lock town on his readslist to make me look worse
next, after he advocates a plan that could potentially get a townie mislynched for no gain whatsoever if we sac Wolfy and he flips scum somehow and I disagree with it for obvious fucking reasons he says I’m “not willing to riisk my life on a read” and proceeds to FoS me

how the hell do you justify town doing that?

Tbh I don’t think any scum would claim Inq so hes cleared out of the scumpects

this is PKR talking about.
He Always claims to be an important class D1. always.

Unless they are going risky to get people to listen to them

He didn’t hard claim that anywhere. His statement could be interpreted in many ways and does not have to mean Inquisitor.

If we can’t be sure about it we can force Pkr to reveal but if he does that we can’t guard him.

I could have sworn someone said hes Inq

if PKR is town htm is scum discuss

I mean he claimed Inq tbh.There is no other way he can be confirmed.

not that PKR is town of course; it should be fairly obvious by now he is scum.

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Unless he can occupy. Like occupying an investigative

/sacrifice FireKitten

I don’t have a clear townread on any of these overly active players. There is too much conflict for my liking. I can see nothing I do not like in FireKitten’s posts. I guess keeping investigative classes early is decent. That’s why we should move away from a captain sac, (but mostly you have done that).

Which is an extremely bad idea so don’t occupy Captain for confirmation

Hey stop angleshooting, i had to too >:(

Wolfy is a guy confirmed?

If I can become semi-serious, anyone can m’lady

Sounds to me like he wants to kill him if he escapes :thinking:

You previously stated that you couldnt read meme though…

Seriousky? Trying to say hes the closest survival oriented class?

Blatantly ignores people saying that claiming now is bad, and soft claims…

Sounds to me like quick-scum redirection. Possibly a scum class with a night ability?

I see no reason for that. Why. Just why

Your first post and you try to bus PKR… Scum bussing confirmed?

So he just hardclaimed his class unless we somehow misinterpret this statement. (Which is unlikely)

You always say that every god damn time. Its old and not town-indicitive anymore. Its so repetitive that I would say you are scum looking for town cred so you can be sacrificed.

Once again, another hardclaim. At this point, we might as well ALL hardclaim.

Yeah just agree with the person who has a high chance to be wrong and an equally high chance to be scum.

Didn’t you say you can’t read marl? I always just say Marl is scum and end the conversation.

Same thing as stated above. Neither of them claim to be able to actually read Marl accurately yet they try and make something that he normally does as all factions into scum only.

At this point, self preservation is just going on. People would rather survive than help town in the future.

Wolfy HAS been able to talk for moderate amounts of time but, refuses to do so in addition to the fact that wolfy will be inactive anyways. A pretty nice sacrifice. (If they flip scum, chances are they might not choose a target).

Possible scum trying to backpedal from a sacrifice that he was supporting?

Well that just means you do in fact believe hes town (unless you are scum) :thinking:

Cool. You got caught by a boi.

To be honest, I understand why Marl would be acting “weird” this game. Its an entirely new mechanic that town loses a member in all forms.

To be honest, I would actually say thats not actually true. If you were claiming scum, town would just lynch you instead of sacrificing you. You being our lynch wouldn’t be useful at all. That post sounds more like RVS.

Shouldn’t you know your own husbando’s information?

Why u do dis to me

Hell no, unlike you, I don’t lock town for more than 2 days. And, in other games that converts are possible, you tend to keep your actual townblocc hidden while doing a generic townblock with 1-2 real members in it. At the moment, it seems like you’re doing your real townblocc which is giving me bad vibes. Wut gwan my br0therrr (Terrible attempt at speaking the language of the children.)

FK’s posts are so fillery that I’m calling BS on that. No one in their right mind could ever say Fire is anything other than filler. Null that read immediately.

Oh thank god, at least you called him out on that

Yeah just try to say you know a person’s partner better than they do… obviously will go PERFECTLY fine.

I would actually say Wolfy and PKR are of different factions. This isnt normal WPKR speech.

Cool, wasted my reading time by saying that but not actually telling whom. Is it possible you yourself do not know who you want to CFD onto? +1 Town point I guess? I heavily believe in Idiot Town.

Alright, cool lets sacrifice FK then to annoy Marl. Surely it will go along good.

Okay yeah +1 Scum Point. NO ONE WOULD EVER SAY FK HAS GOOD SCUMREADS. Plus, you legitimately just went on a rant at how bad FK’s scumtells are. (Hint Hint, you said there were so little that it took forever to find one.)

Another post I consider, “Idiot town” +1 Town Point

Sam? Didn’t yall just CFD OFF HIM? +1 Scum point

What the hell is with this? +1 Scum Point

This passage scares me. Marl saying someone is probably town after they were CFD’d off of…

That sounds pretty good.

Im not too sure about this post. Possibly scum trying to distance, scum trying to get a different person or a scum that knows that this is scum and wants towncred

At this point, your openwolfing might be scum-indicitive.

That’s the story of my life and you’ve never told me that.

Shouldn’t you already be annoyed? You were almost bussed… +1 Scum Point

Cough Pug’s UPick


I can agree with Marl, lamist.

Good boy, thats a nice towny post there that would make me believe that in all of these literal fluffy or trashy posts… No, wait thats wrong! Scum would obviously want to all be in the same bus in muliple pairs. More chance for both members in that particular bus to be lynched since generally people think TvS always occurs! That post would’ve gone unnoticed! Scum detected! Woop woop!

This post is so fucking scummy in my opinion. People can easily bus fellow scummates and due to them bussing them, people would actually think most of them are town and sacrifice them. When they realize that, they’re obviously going to be they bussed us, blah blah blah reported.

Yeah no, you keep changing your ideas so much that I would actually say you are scum.

Sounds more like scum trying to get town credit for their sacrifice which would backfire cuz they would look too towny.

Yeah lets bring up that time where PKR cheated got bussed. I would think thats dumb shit too and he obviously did that as scum.

If not for my full read through, I would agree with that which makes me believe you are scum. :thinking:

You guys keep fucking adding posts so I can never catch up @Marluxion

I know one time he didn’t :wink:


So, you don’t like FK’s fluff, you are melancholy with keeping invests which kinda make me believe you aren’t really with that and… Captain sacrifice, best sacrifice.

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Oops forgot to put that in a detaile