Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

When PKR was killed day one, I was going to post, but it was too late cuz of the Inq power

Because memesky said he did
and Memesky is lock town for reading me as scum earlier

because I tried to and my ability failed, and Memesky used a prevent ability on him.

An angle you should try Max, is reading people who scumread you as TOWN, not auto scum.
Think of it as them actually trying to solve the game instead of just assuming they are shadethrowing

This advice is coming from a wholesome place that just wants to see you improve and not get mislynched every game @MaximusPrime


The scumteam. Discuss.

I suppose Ici is mechanically confirmed.

So Marl canā€™t be occā€™d. We canā€™t safely vote htm though; he could be Shaman and move the sacrifice onto another scum and will get a ritual for free.

I did check this setup to make sure that rituals would only ever beccome a second lynch if scum wanted them to.

Oh right Margaret exists
Her huge post earlier is HEAVILY scum indicative

Exactly what I said somewhere earlier.

I also didnā€™t like Lightsinā€™s sparse posting very much.

I think itā€™s ONE of Firekitten OR HTM
Not both

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Hey, i was just asking

No need to take everything I say as extremely negative cause that only enforces the ā€œI donā€™t careā€ attitude


Sacrifice Voters Count
htm Lightsin / Icibalus 2
PoisonedSquid htm 1
Memesky Solic / Vulgard / Marluxion / Icibalus 4
MaximusPrime MaximusPrime 1

wasnā€™t a sarcastic or negative response? I was justifying why i think Meme is lock town

And the post after that is 100% legitimate advice that i think you could use and improve from

I honestly still canā€™t believe Ici is town but I suppose thatā€™s a mechanical fact now.

Unless this is a Meme/Ici scumteam and they pulled off a legitimately good gambit.

youā€™re acting like a gambit I masterminded would ever end up bieng anything but obvious

I donā€™t actually know. Iā€™ve played only one game with you as scum and I sheeped hard in that game.

How is it a mechanical fact exactly? As you said, any heretic class can visit.

But no other class than Seer would know they were prevented on Marl. And Seer would not visit Marl.

I do think on the off chance he is a Diviner, he is more useful to keep alive than others since his checks can clear people as long as we do not sacrifice scum and we get better sacrifices that way too.