Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

So I mean 1 out of 16 is imbalanced odds.

Give it to fucking Hippo, he’s confirmed town
If not, Give it to a consensus town read like Vulgard


No RNG necessary

Hey marl :smiley:

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discobot should be permanently disabled from the entire forums
it was never a good thing even once


also provable rng is against the rules on a lot of mafia sites but shrug

You should be disabled from forums gottem

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/sacrifice htm

So how was your night :wink:

okay everyone quickhammer the Meme sacrifice so I don’t have to put up with this shit any longer

All visits were prevented from me so
:man_shrugging: normal?
I removed HTM’s ritual abilities

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Can we stop the Memesky debate part 11037 and sacrifice him already

You read my mind

Nah its plurality

Who said they prevented again?

We’re sacrificing htm tomorrow I bet.

You will pay for sheeping scum once again

Memesky prevented all visits to Marl, and I claimed prevented/occ’d when one of my targets was Marl.

Memesky prevented all visits to me
Ici confirms it as he tried to invest me