Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

Pkr if you are inqusitor don’t use your powers now.It would make me sacrificied now.And before i am sacrificied i need to claim my class.I think i am more useful alive but i want town to decide this.

At least he can’t be converted if he reveals.

That means absolutely nothing if he’s dead.

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I’m not going to get you killed. I fully trust you and I’m on your side dude.
If you’re scum tricking me, I’m gonna be dumb struck

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Sacrifice Voters Count
Captain Solic / Marluxion / Memesky / PoisonedSquid 4
Memesky htm 1
Sam17z MaximusPrime 1

But I checked again there is one passive with that i can be useful after my sacrifice so there is that too.But I need confirmed town for that.

How many times left for sacrifiece ?

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Around 20 Hours left.

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Solic you know this is actually the exact opposite right? Lynching town hurts scum but gains them credit but lynching scum helps scum but makes them lose credit. (for this phase)

You should look up what symmetric means. Or I should look that up. I think we both know what we mean.

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Problem with sacrificing scums cause this.They are getting new member immediately and they have extra kill.We need to lynch them or kill them

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I just got updated

Why am I not TRing Captain?

But i counted it.They cannot recover from lynches.They are losing a member and they can’t have that member number again.

Also there’s a scum voting for Captain, calling it right now

Well you shouldn’t anyway.I am not sure why i got tr’ed anyway so.

A dog


He is wolf actually.



/sacrifice Sam17z

If you can prove me wrong - do it, but I really don’t see his entrance as a mafia one.

I hate this post and it makes me view you in a new light, which is not a good light. It also invited me to re-read your posts.

I honestly question the motivation behind this post. Although it could just be Firekitten initiating the famed Firekitten vs htm arguments, round 2 (or 3).


You just liked PKR’s post above which literally implies that Meme is scum, and now you say this? This could be a bad way to read this, but you didn’t address PKR’s post either. I’m surprised it didn’t ping you.

Are you referring to the sacrifice, or the actual lynch? I honestly can’t tell.

I honestly agree so far. PKR is my top scum unless he explains his questionable motivation-

not like this though

Okay, now I read everything again.

Sam is my go-to sacrifice considering Captain is probably telling the truth

I mean tbh Sam always acts the same as either faction I am pretty sure.