Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

How is this not LAMIST, Ici?
Explain yourself before trying to point blame towards me

saying “i am town” isn’t LAMIST as you well fucking know PKR
what’s LAMIST is deliberately going out of your way to do actions that poiint out how townie you are, not the fact that you are town.

Saying that you are town isn’t LAMIST, what’s LAMIST is saying, for example, “Why are you guys scumreading me when I pushed 2 scum lol?”

this is the fourth time PKR has delibrately misinterpreted what I’ve been saying and yet apparently I’m the scum here

I’m looking forward to everyone reading this.
I know Htm is somewhat bad but now Ici, you’re taking it next level.
Don’t try and flop all over my comment and act like the school child “You’re the scum, not me”
Instead, let others respond

This argument goes interesting.I would like to see where it goes.I can’t decide which one is more scumy.

Ici literally has defended wolf for being scummy and in my reaction test literally said “Fortunately I am town” which is literally Look At Me! I’m so Town! (LAMIST)

Wolfy’s new entrance feels extremely town.

To be honest this post (and the rest of it) is good, but I still question the motivation behind it.


I’m not sure if scum!Marl writes strange posts like these.

Exactly my thoughts about nearly all of Marl’s posts. To be honest I TR him because of that - as scum he hasn’t had posts as weird as these. But I’ve never seen town!Marl so I’m not sure how he acts. Half of Marl’s posts can be labeled as reaction tests. I’ll look into that again later.

This was a Town mistake and the motivation behind Wolfy’s posts screams town to me.

Okay, now that’s weird. So far, two people have apparently missed the fact we want to vote town here. Wolfy (who corrected themselves), and Icibalus (and I actually can’t explain that). So basically Ici is implying Wolfy voted htm because he was town, while Wolfy said something completely opposite and unvoted htm. I’m not sure how to read this yet, but I find this really strange.

His entrance feels like very strong town to me.

Memesky is lock town to me after this back-and-forth.


What if they haven’t missed it but are instead scum trying to lead us wrongly

No, PKR. You can’t just worm your way out of this one.

Firstly, after I say that Wolfy is a townlean, you say I have him as lock town. I can accept this as a possibility for Town!PKR to do.

Next, when I refuse to potentially leave 2 town corpses behind after PKR’s shitty obsession with TvS self-resolving arguments PKR says I’m “not even willing to risk myself for my read”

THEN he says that I didn’t unvote Wolfy when I DID very clearly and then says that I was hard pushing him when it was clearly a placeholder vote.

And finally, after I call him out on misusing LAMIST he instead makes it out like I’m childishly digging my heels in instead of having an actual logical argument.

but of course you guys trust PKR because apparently he has a “self-confirming class” which probably requires an elaborate series of events that literally no town should waste time to pull off

I wouldn’t be suprised if Ici and Pkr flips as town tbh.

Has nobody noticed the blatant series of gaslights and strawmen PKR has been using this entire game except the victim of them?

Ici, you’ve been pushing me all this time since I accused Wolf. I think that it’s certainly interesting that you waited for me to push on him. Any reason for that? As to me it seems like scum defending a scumbuddy.

Why do you want us to vote a scum member here? Do you want them to get a convert? It’s convenient that you’ve forgotten their ability when sacrificed.

As a result, I’d like to further ask you why you defended Wolfy. He voted someone scummy to him, explained that and then only corrected himself after I called him out. Timing wise doesn’t it seem like a scum who needed to quickly backpedal?

This is why I suspect you

Before I do that, YOU explain why you’ve been gaslighting me the entire game!

also PKR I never fucking wanted to vote scum are you actually out of your fucking mind

@Twil1ight @psychoneirik How many times left for sacrifice ?

I hate having to swear this much but it’s clear this is the only way I can emphasise my point enough for people to actually listen to me!

Around 5 Hours left.

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Swearing doesn’t do it for me tho.It makes me being more sus with you.