Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

Here’s the thing. I’ve seen scum!PKR and was on his team, but I haven’t seen town!PKR. So I’m looking at this from a broader perspective and not metareading. And I came to the conclusion what PKR is doing can be townread; while I don’t like the motivation behind many of your posts to be honest.

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You’re still dodging MY question.

like I’m sorry but you’re definitely trying to change the subject off of your own scuminess here

I am literally not dodging your question? How am I?

You haven’t explained why you weren’t gaslighting me at all.

Maybe due to the fact I am still confused as to what it is so I am trying my best

This read is still meta-reliant imo. I think people misunderstand how meta works completely and this is an example of it.

People change their metas all the time. I can see PKR trying a more aggressive scum meta this game, trying to get me mislynched by deliberately making me a strawman.

I think it’s clear why I think you’re scummy PKR, by the way. It’s because you’ve been misunderstanding me, time and time again! I cannot overstate this point, but I’m damn well going to try.

Wolfy is a VERY slight townlean for me, and that’s been degradng probably due to my tunnel vision. I think by EoD today he’ll probably have his allignment spewed. If he’s scum he dosen’t have many moves and will likely slip up but I think there’s like a 60% chance he’s town and will come off as pure by EoD.

If Ici flips town, then I won’t be playing in the next few FMs. I’ll need psychological therapy

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I understand the fact people can change their plays.I totally agree with that.But how you did assume Wolfy is town when he tried to sacrifice who he thought scum ?

i’m now wondering how me ouitng you as scum relates to your repressed desires and the oedipus complex freud jokes xD

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It doesn’t as it’s the reverse.
(Explain gaslighting and I’ll explain if/why I am using it)

Here’s the thing; I think Wolfy was TRYING to get across the idea that htm acts weirdly as town but utterly failed and it made him look scummy

it’s a bit unlikely but I can see it happening.

Gaslighting is when you subtly twist someone’s words or deliberately misiinterpret what someone is saying in a way that makes them look bad to someone else listening in on a conversation. It’s what politicans do to make their opponents look bad.

I’m saying that you have been doing this to me the whole game, as I explain in this post:

It can be what happened but maybe he did a huge mistake and he slipped as scum.(not sure tho just guess) And the fact that you are saying Wolfy is your top town lean doesn’t make sense.

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My argument is that you’re scum because you’ve been repeatedly trying to make me look worse instead of “exposing” my scummy behaviour.

I said that when my reads weren’t very solid!
I’m much more confident in Solic!

I’ve exposed it so many times that you’re not just painted like a French girl, you’ve been stapled in the damn Louvre

Which is why I’m voting him instead of the questionably scummy wolfy.

Solic doesnt wanna be sacrificed tho.He has greater plans.