Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

Then why the hell, is Marl saying that Meme is on him, and is preventing him from being occupied? :thinking: You tell me to read the class cards, I tell you to read the whole thread, especially when he said Meme was on him.

(Unless Marl was also memeing on that point)

That implies you believe he fakeclaimed.

Okay. You think fakeclaiming is a town thing to do, unless it’s a gambit that’s later admitted to? Meme’s claim was not a gambit whatsoever.


I will give abillities to wolfy fite me

He is getting strung up by his paws later today so feel free

no gif can accurately express the level of fucked my brain has entered via reading this post

Let me check Marl and prove to you im right once

It makes sense you’ll see

@Twil1ight can you please sacrifice Meme now so we don’t have to listen to Meme claim every Congregation class one by one for the next ~20 hours or so


Read classcards pls

Meme has hard-claimed Martyr in thread. Maybe you should fully read it yourself, before accusing others of not reading it.

1. No

2. I’m not sure but probably he can give separately 2 abilities or give one person more than 1 ability.

It’s up to host in this matter not me.

Since I’m going to do chores that means I’m out the house, I wish to ask people not to quick hammer me as I actually have got a strong defence.

Oh, sorry. Okay.

In this case Memesky should WIFOM giving Hippo abilities or not.

My mind immediately went ‘why is Memesky claiming Cop now’

I will remove my logs so people stop townreading ppl i got as scum


Believe more like No gottem uganda_knuckles_dab_by_dragon_fuzionsfm-dbzxpeh

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