Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

Also - this is a premium game. It wouldn’t just get canned, it’d get re-rolled.

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Just take a step back, collect yourself and come back in a few hours. That is the best thing for you now. It’s a game and supposed to be fun.

@Kirefitten quit lurking, scum

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either me or memesky
one of us leaves

no u

Memesky is the sacrifice today
Check back in 10 hours

He’s getting sacced, so you can stop whining now. God, where is your fucking patience?



To be honest, Ici is mechanically confirmed unless he’s scum with Memesky or has extreme luck, or is a gambiting genius.

And since I read Meme as lock town that’s unlikely

I still think he’s playing like absolute scum this game though

He isnt :man_facepalming:

Confirmed or not

If you lied about the prevention as town I swear I will try to get you banned

/sacrifice Memesky

im sorry i just can’t deal with this shit any more
i’m sick of getting repeatedly shit on by meme every god damn game
I escaped Fates being ruined but Fates ruined itself

and don’t even get me started about the tournament

Let me propose an alternate third possibility, Vulgard


Ici used an ability on me… which would have obvious results. Something immediately clear whether it worked or not… and it failed.

No, Memesky is telling the truth

First,he can be seer

Second,you dont need to be so smart to realize i would guard Marl as Martyr because he didnt die and i claimed to kill him soon

So we’re back to my original plan of lynching Ici?